Transportation & Climate Initiative Releases Model Rule
On March 1, officials from the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast states and D.C. participated in a webinar to share updates on the Transportation & Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) and to unveil a Model Draft Rule. The TCI-P focuses on reducing transportation fuel related carbon emissions while also using proceeds to invest in cleaner, more equitable and resilient transportation systems. TCI-P staff has indicated that comments on the Draft Model Rule may be submitted through the online TCI-P Public Input Portal and recommended that comments be sent in by April 1, 2021. However, input can be submitted on an ongoing basis. Persons interested in this issue can view a recording of the March 1 webinar on the TCI website.
Twelve states have been involved in the effort. So far, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island have indicated that they plan to move forward with rules while a number of other states including Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Vermont have indicated they are still deciding on whether to sign on. Maine and New Hampshire have indicated that they currently do not plan to be involved.
At a high level this program is intended to cap greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels and will offer regulated entities the opportunity to purchase allowances. Funds generated by allowances are to be used for clean transportation projects with at least 35 percent targeted for disadvantaged areas. Regulated entities include fuel suppliers and possibly distributors of petroleum motor fuels. The timetable proposed is finalized model rule in 2021, legislation and rulemakings in the states in 2021- 2022, and operational program beginning in 2023.
NGVAmerica previously has provided comments to TCI officials on the beneficial role of NGVs and renewable natural gas and plans to submit additional comments in response to this latest proposal.
For more information, please contact Sherrie Merrow at
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