Final Plan - Summary Details
On May 10, 2018, the Department of Environmental Protection issued a final Beneficiary Mitigation Plan (BMP). The BMP allocates the state's $118.5 million in VW Settlement Funding as follows with anticipated timing of funding announcements:
* Ferries, Tugs, Freight Switchers - $34.1 million; Fall 2018
* Medium Duty Trucks, Port Drayage Trucks, School Buses and Shuttle Buses - $29.9 million; Summer 2018
* DERA - $8.9 million; Opened May 19, 2018
* Ground Service Equipment, Forklifts, Port Cargo - $5.9 million; Fall 2018
* Heavy Duty Trucks and Transit Buses - $16.1 million; Summer 2018
* Ocean Going Shorepower - $5.9 million; Summer 2018
* ZEV Supply Equipment Grants/Rebates - $17.7 million
Funding Opportunities
The state’s VW Settlement funding effort is part of a new program called Driving PA Forward. Information on funding opportunities can be found on the new website: The DEP recently announced a number of new funding opportunities summarized below. The Driving PA Forward website at this time does not appear to be updated. If you plan to apply for these opportunity you should contact DEP directly if you are not familiar with their online grant application portal.
The On-road Rebates Program is accepting applications from 7/23/21 and will close on 11/12/21, or when funds are exhausted- whichever occurs first. DEP will consider projects that involve five or less eligible vehicles under this program. This is a “first-come, first-served” basis to all eligible projects (unscored)(while funds last).
DERA Opportunity: The Department of Environmental Protection recently published a notice announcing the availability of DERA funds. Applications may be submitted by Pennsylvania Businesses, Incorporated Nonprofits, State, Local, or Tribal Government Agencies, Air Quality or Transportation Organizations, Metropolitan or Rural/Regional Transportation Planning Organizations, and Federal Government Agencies. Diesel emission reduction projects may, include, but are not limited to: verified exhaust controls; engine upgrades and certified remanufacture systems; verified idle reduction technologies; certified engine replacements; aerodynamic technologies; and/or certified vehicle or equipment replacement. Eligible diesel vehicles, engines, and equipment may include buses, medium-duty or heavy-duty trucks, nonroad engines, equipment or vehicles (used in construction, cargo handling, agriculture, mining or energy production), marine engines and locomotive engines. The application deadline is January 7, 2022. Guidelines available here:
Legislative Proposals
SB 722. Directs how VW Settlement Funds are to be used: (1) majority of funding should go to optional low-NOx certified engines or vehicles and zero emission vehicles; (2) no more than 25 percent funding is to be provided for the cost of private fleet to purchase replacement vehicles, (3) cap of $50,000 for replacement costs; and, (4) no more than 20 percent of available funds are to be used for public or governmental fleets. Status: to Environmental Resources and Energy.