Final Plan Issued
On May 31, 2018, Ohio submitted its Final Beneficiary Mitigation Plan to the Trustee. The BMP is available below. The funding allocations are as follow:
On-Road 53%
- School buses $15M
- Transit buses $15M
- Class 4 – 8 local freight and port drayage trucks and shuttle buses $10M
Non-Road 25%
- Tugboats and Ferries $2M
- Switcher Locomotives $5M
- Airport GSE, Port Cargo Handing $12M
Light Duty EV Infrastructure 15% ($11.25M)
Administrative 7% ($5.05M)
VW Settlement Funding Opportunity - $12 million
Ohio EPA has announced the availability of $12 million funding to assist with replacing or repowering aging diesel fleet vehicles for emission reductions to comply with federal ozone standards. Eligible applicants include public and private fleet owners of school and transit buses, medium and heavy-duty trucks, switcher locomotives, and cargo handling equipment in airports, ports, and intermodal facilities. Ohio EPA is inviting prospective applicants to participate in webinars on how to apply for the grants. The 2020 request for grant proposals opened June 1 and closes at 3 p.m. on Aug. 7, 2020.
Grant application informational webinars will be held as follows:
To request registration information, please email derg@epa.ohio.gov.
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