

Final Plan Issued

The DNR issued a final plan on Aug. 6, 2018. The plan provides the following Funding Allocations:

* School Buses $12 million
* Government Trucks Large and medium government-owned trucks $6 million
* Transit and Shuttle Buses $4 million
* Nongovernment Trucks $6 million
* Locomotive and Marine $2 million
* Airport and Cargo Equipment $2 million
* DERA Option $3 million
* Electric Vehicle Charging Stations $6 million

Comment Opportunity - In November of 2020, the DNR posted a short video announcing that it is considering changes in its funding allocation plan to reallocate funds from undersubscribed programs to other categories.  Specifically, the DNR has identified about $5.1 million in unspent funds that could be reallocated with most of the unspent funds currently allocated for transit and shuttle buses, and airport ground service equipment.  The DNR is asking stakeholders to provide input by December 11 using a SURVEY  form posted on its website and has indicated it will hold a virtual meeting later in the month to discuss survey results and next steps

Funding Guidelines

The Missouri DNR posted Volkswagen Trust Implementation Guidelines for government trucks and transit and shuttle buses on its webpage at https://dnr.mo.gov/env/apcp/vw/index.html under the “Apply for Funding” link. Separate guideline have been prepared for the different applications. The Department plans to open the application periods for government trucks, transit and shuttle buses, and buses for financially disadvantaged schools in the coming months. Look for a future email announcement for the opening of the application periods, and instructions on submitting your applications through our new online funding portal.

Funding Opportunity:  The DNR is accepting applications beginning Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020, for Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) Funding. Missouri has used VW Mitigation funds to supplement its DERA allocation with a total of $803,869 available for this solicitation. Application forms, implementation guidelines and program requirements for the DERA State Grant Program are posted online at dnr.mo.gov/env/apcp/vw/dera-option.htm. The application deadline is 5 p.m. (CST) Friday, Jan. 15, 2021. To be eligible, projects must fall under one of the following Eligible Diesel Emission Reduction Solutions:

  1. Diesel Engine Retrofit Technologies
  2. Engine Upgrades and Remanufacture Systems
  3. Cleaner Fuels and Additives
  4. Idle Reduction Technologies
  5. Aerodynamic Technologies and Verified Low Rolling Resistance Tires
  6. Engine Replacement
  7. Vehicle and Equipment Replacements
  8. Clean Alternative Fuel Conversions

Visit the Department’s DERA webpage for details and application materials at: dnr.mo.gov/env/apcp/vw/dera-option.htm.

Final Plan

Where to Send Comments

Comment Letter

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