

Final Plan 

The plan includes funding for all of the eligible mitigation categories and provides anticipated funding percentages.  The plan however indicates that the percentages below are not targets and that the state plans to award funding on a competitive basis without limiting funding to specific categories.  The plan also indicates that additional consideration will be given for requests that provide a higher cost share than required by the settlement. 

  • 15% Large trucks
  • 15% School bus, shuttle bus, or transit bus
  • 15% Medium trucks
  • 5% Freight switchers (locomotives)
  • 5% Ferries/tugs
  • 5% Ocean going vessel shore power
  • 5% Airport ground support equipment
  • 5% Forklifts and port cargo handling equipment
  • 10% Light-duty zero-emission vehicle supply equipment
  • 5% Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) option
  • 15% Allowable administrative costs

Funding Opportunity - Deadline Oct. 29, 2021

The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has released an application package for new funding with a submission deadline of October 29, 2021. DEQ invites universities, private organizations, non-profit organizations, businesses, and any county, city, state, or other local government in Mississippi to submit applications to implement cost-effective and innovative projects to reduce NOx emissions. DEQ will award funds on a competitive basis and will only consider complete applications submitted by the submission deadline. This open for all types of equipment and vehicles eligible under the VW Trust Agreement.  Funding for private fleets is capped at 25% for natural gas replacement and 60% for government fleets.  The funding package is available HERE.

Final Plan

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