

Final Plan

A Final BMP was released in April 2018 and is available below.

The allocation of funds is as follows:

23 - 33% Dept of Transportation and Development Trucks

37 - 66% Other projects with priority for school buses

15% - Electric Vehicle Light Duty Infrastructure

15% - Administration

Funding Opportunity

The DEQ on Aug. 1, 2019 opened a third round of applications for the Volkswagen Mitigation Trust Settlement projects.  Applications will be available through the DEQ’s VW webpage online form: https://deq.louisiana.gov/form/volkswagen-eligible-mitigation-action-projectapplication-state-beneficiarylouisiana. The deadline to submit applications for the third round is Oct. 1, 2019. Questions should be sent to vwsettlement@la.gov. Louisiana is soliciting proposed projects for consideration by the LDEQ, the Department of Natural Resources (LDNR), and the Department of Transportation and Development (LDOTD). Proposed projects are reviewed (1) to determine qualification pursuant to Appendix D-2; and (2) in consideration of appropriate goals, priorities, costs and impacts from the projects. The three agencies will pool their funds to target replacement of eligible diesel school buses. The bus replacement program will offer partial funding to school districts to replace older diesel buses with electric, alternative fuel or high-efficiency diesel vehicles. Government and nongovernment organizations, alike, are eligible for consideration. For more information on the VW Settlement, go to https://deq.louisiana.gov/page/louisianavolkswagenenvironmental-mitigation-trust.

Final Plan

Where to Send Comments

Comment Letter

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