

Final Plan

The State of Kansas will receive nearly $15.6 million for projects that reduce NOx emissions.  The Department of Health and Environment's Final Beneficiary Mitigation Plan includes the following allocations:

DERA Option 25.5% - $6M

  • $4M for school buses
  • $2M for non-road engines/equipment

EV Light Duty Charging Infrastructure 15%  - $2.35M

On-Road Class 4 - 8 Vehicles 32% - $5M

  • government and non-government vehicles

Freight Switcher 25.5% - $4M

Other based on demand (e.g., airport GSE, forklifts, port handling equipment) - $312K

Funding Opportunity for Nonroad Equipment

The Kansas Clean Diesel Program for Nonroad Diesel Equipment has announced a new $2 million funding opportunity.  Nonroad mobile construction type equipment will be considered for total replacement or engine replacement.  Applicants may apply to KDHE beginning August 13, 2020. Applications must be submitted via e-mail by October 13, 2020.  Applicants that receive an award under this RFP must initially pay the vendor for the entire project. After all requirements are verified, KDHE will reimburse the applicant for up to the amount stated in the resulting written agreement.  This opportunity is for equipment replacement and engine only replacement. This opportunity includes funds from the VW trust allocation.  Qualifying construction equipment includes but not limited to cranes, crawlers, excavators, loaders, scrappers, backhoes, sweeper/scrubbers. Award amounts: $1 million for government entity projects and $1 million for private company projects. Award maximum per entity/company: $500,000 per entity; maximum of one application per entity/company. For more details, see https://www.kdheks.gov/bar/air-monitor/dieselgrant.html.


Final Plan

Where to Send Comments

Comment Letter

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