
Final Plan
The plan includes the following allocations:
- 52% or $21.32 million - Onroad Equipment and Vehicles: Class 4-8 trucks and Class 4-8 school, shuttle, and transit buses
- 40% or $8.53 million for school buses
- 60% or $12.79 million for trucks and buses
- 20% or $8.2 million - Nonroad Equipment and Vehicles: airport ground support equipment, forklifts and port cargo handling equipment, ferries and tugboats, and freight-switcher locomotives
- 10% or $4.1 million - DERA Option: idle reduction technologies, diesel engine Repower and Replacements using fuel options not permitted under Volkswagen, diesel engine upgrades, and exhaust after treatments
- 15% or $6.15 million - Light-Duty Electric Infrastructure
- 3% or $1.23 million - Administrative Costs
IDEM does not intend to fund any heavy duty electric vehicle infrastructure because this would create inequity with other alternative fuel and diesel projects. In terms of funding specific project, IDEM intends follow the funding percentages set out in the Trust Agreement for non-government fleets and plans to reimburse government-owned fleets and equipment at the same level as nongovernment owned fleet and equipment owners, as opposed to the full cost reimbursement permitted.
Funding Opportunity - Deadline Dec. 17, 2021
The official notice indicates this includes funds from the VW Settlement. This action announces funding availability for projects designed to significantly reduce diesel emissions from nonroad vehicles and equipment across Indiana. Nonroad vehicles and equipment include vehicles, engines, and equipment used for construction, agriculture, cargo handling (port, airport, and others), rail transportation, marine transportation as well as others. The closing date for receipt of applications is December 17, 2021, 5:00 p.m. ET. Indiana will only accept electronic grant applications in response to this RFP. Electronic grant applications must be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format, along with the DieselWise Indiana Fleet Spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel or similar spreadsheet format to Mr. Shawn M. Seals at Electronic submissions will be considered timely upon receipt, not transmission. An e-mail response confirming receipt of electronic applications will be provided on or before the closing date when possible. Facsimile and late submissions will not be accepted.
AWARDS: The total estimated funding for this competitive grant opportunity is approximately $1,800,000. DieselWise Indiana anticipates awarding cooperative agreements from this announcement ranging from $50,000 to $1,000,000, subject to availability of funds and the quality of proposals received. Additional funds may be available in the near future. Project proposals submitted under this grant opportunity may be awarded from these additional funds.