Action Deadline(s)
Summary Details
35% On-road
20% Non-road
15% DERA
15% LD EV Infrastructure
15% Administration
Funding Opportunity - Funding Deadline March 30, 2020: DEQ is accepting applications for the Volkswagen Settlement Fund, 2020 Vehicle Replacement Program to replace older, higher emissions diesel vehicles or engines with cleaner electric, alternative fuel, or diesel vehicles or engines. The competitive application program will provide reimbursement for a percentage of the cost of eligible vehicle or engine replacements. Eligible applicants include both government and nongovernment fleet owners. To be considered for this funding cycle, completed applications must be received by March 30, 2020. For more details including application form and guide, visit the Idaho DEQ website link.
Funding Categories and Amounts for Alternative Fuel Projects:
Class 8 local freight trucks and port drayage trucks – diesel and alternative fuel 40% for gov’t fleets and 25% for non-government
Class 4 – 7 local freight trucks – diesel and alternative fuel 40% for gov’t fleets, 25% for non-gov’t fleet
Class 4 – 8 School Buses – diesel 25% all fleets, alternative fuel 40% gov’t fleet and 25% non-gov’t fleet
Class 4 – 8 Shuttle Bus/Transit Bus – diesel and alternative fuel 40% gov’t fleet and 25% non-gov’t fleet
Legislative Proposals