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NGV 6.1 CNG Standard Call for Proposals Deadline Approaching


At the 2014 Clean Vehicle Education Foundation Critical Issues workshop, participants indicated that industry is lacking an up to date “Best Practices Document” regarding the design, installation, testing, and maintenance for CNG fuel storage and delivery systems. Although the existing installation codes provide good minimum safety requirements, the industry representatives at the workshop felt a more comprehensive document would benefit industry.

To meet this need, in September 2016, CSA Group published a binational recommended practice, CSA NGV 6.1 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fuel storage and delivery systems for road vehicles, for the North American natural gas vehicle industry. NGV 6.1 provides a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) design approach with guidance and performance based design requirements for CNG fuel storage and delivery systems for road vehicles. In the news release, it was noted that future editions of the binational document will transition to a national standard and may expand coverage to address LNG fuel storage and delivery systems. The CSA NGV 6.1 Recommended Practice was made available for purchase in English in PDF format on September 30, 2016.

The current CSA NGV 6.1 is being opened for revision and processing as a national standard. Forms for submitting proposals are available in the CSA Communities of Interest. Completed forms are should be returned to Julie Cairns, CSA Group, by email at or fax at 216.520.8979. The deadline for receiving proposals is March 6, 2017.