

Final Plan Issued

The DNREC’s mitigation plan distributes funds to eligible projects in 3 Phases as follows:

Phase 1 - 33% or $3.225 million for School Buses

Phase 2 - 33% or $3.225 million in Flexible Funding or for all eligible categories

Phase 3 - 15% Light Duty EV Charging Infrastructure

              - $1.774 million flexible for projects based on experience gained in Phase 1 and 2.

Funding Opportunity

The DNREC Division of Air Quality is soliciting proposals for investments of $3.4 million from the Environmental Mitigation Trust on projects that improve the state’s air by reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx).   Eligible projects include the replacement or repowering of medium- and heavy-duty trucks, and school and transit buses. Other eligible mitigation actions include engine repower for freight switcher locomotives, ferries, tugs, forklifts and port cargo handling equipment. Or, they may also include, in a more limited capacity, charging infrastructure for light-duty zero emission passenger vehicles. The solicitation can be found at Comments and questions will be considered during the meeting and may be submitted to Written questions will be received until Feb. 22, 2022.  Proposals are due by close of business on March 21, 2022.

The Division of Air Quality also will hold a voluntary pre-bid meeting to provide an overview of the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation application process. This will be a virtual meeting.  

Webinar details: 10 am Feb. 15, 2022; Join Online

More details available: Here

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