EIA Highlights Role of RNG in Renewable Fuel Standard Program
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently highlighted the growth and important role that renewable natural gas (RNG) is playing in the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program. The October 5 Today in Energy includes several charts pointing to the substantial growth in renewable natural gas up from 33 million ethanol gallons in 2014 to 189 million ethanol gallons in 2016. In 2016, RNG accounted for 82 percent of cellulosic biofuel produced under the RFS Program.
The article indicates that as of June 30, 2017 there are approximately 50 RNG producing facilities registered with EPA. The EPA is currently in the process of finalizing the 2018 target for cellulosic biofuel and has estimated that the RNG industry will supply 221 million ethanol gallons of RNG in 2018. Industry advocates for RNG has argued that the industry will supply much more RNG is 2018 due to new projects and production coming online.
NGVAmerica recently joined with the RNG Coalition and others to urge the agency to recognize the significant new production that is coming online when setting the 2018 level. EPA is expected to finalize the renewable fuel targets for 2018 by late November.
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