Upcoming Webinar for Funding Natural Gas Goods Movement Trucks in California
The Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) is hosting a complimentary webinar to learn about funding available for natural gas vehicles through the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s “Proposition 1B: Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program.” The webinar will be held Thursday, June 29 at 11:00 a.m. PT.
Medium and heavy duty natural gas trucks offer the most cost-effective NOx emission reduction benefits and can provide the power, performance, and range needed to move freight throughout California and the nation. The webinar will cover the financial incentives available to upgrade equipment used in freight movement, including key eligibility criteria, technology options and funding amounts, an overview of the application process, and the application deadline.
The Bay Area, Sacramento and San Diego Prop 1B funding programs have an earlier close date, while the San Joaquin Valley APCD has the latest application date. Fleets throughout California can apply for funding through their district as long as they are engaged in the movement of goods within designated California Trade Corridors, have operated at least 75 percent in California for the past two years, including 10 percent within in the SJVAPCD boundaries.
For more information and to register, visit the registration website.
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