North Florida Designated as the Newest Clean Cities Coalition
Clean Cities announced the addition of a new partner last month in the effort to reduce our nation’s dependence on petroleum—the brand-new North Florida Clean Fuels Coalition. Through its network of nearly 100 coalitions across the country, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Clean Cities program brings together stakeholders to increase the use of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles, reduce idling, and improve fuel economy.
Becoming a member of Clean Cities was the culmination of many years’ worth of hard work. Communities interested in establishing a coalition first gather together local stakeholders, including vehicle fleet managers, policymakers, utilities, alternative fuel suppliers, vehicle manufacturers and trade groups. This group, led by a coordinator, then creates a strategy specific to their area. By researching the local market, setting goals, and developing action items, they create a path forward to help their region use less traditional petroleum fuel for transportation.
North Florida Clean Fuels Coalition has more than 100 stakeholders, many of whom have made considerable investments in alternative fuel vehicles. For example, the coalition is working with the City of Jacksonville as they purchase seven new CNG sanitation trucks—the City’s first effort to convert their fleet to alternative fuels. The North Florida Transportation Planning Organization is the coalition’s host organization.
The coalition estimates that it displaced nearly 2.5 million gallons of petroleum in 2014 with a variety of strategies and the increased use of natural gas and other alternative fuels.
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