NGVAmerica presented the case for NGVs and NGV market engagement to fleet operators, design consultants, policy makers and current/potential member LDCs, and NGV equipment and service suppliers this week.
On Monday, Stephe Yborra presented an update on North American NGV market metrics, trends and forecasts at the American Public Gas Association (APGA) Annual Marketing & Sales Training Conference in Destin, Florida. Stephe’s remote web address also included a quick review of NGVAmerica’s regulatory and legislative priorities. Also participating in the NGV-oriented session were York County Natural Gas’ Tim Baldwin and Alabama Clean Fuels Coalition’s Mark Bentley, both whom provided updates on successful NGV activities in their service areas. Mark also touched briefly on ACFC’s activities in support of NGV safety codes, standards and training in Alabama.
On Wednesday, IMW hosted an open invitation webinar on NGVs, which was attended by approximately 75 people. Attendees included fleet operators, engineering consultants, IMW supply channel representatives and other stakeholders. Stephe Yborra presented an abbreviated “Compelling Case” to the group, which logged in primarily from the U.S. and Canada, although representatives from South America, Asia and the Middle East also attended. Stephe’s presentation focused primarily on the North American market but included underlying basics on how to evaluate various niche market applications and economics for the other international attendees. IMW’s monthly webinars address a wide variety of market and technology topics. Stephe has been invited to present IMW’s June webinar, which will address maintenance facility modification requirements to accommodate CNG and LNG vehicles.
On Thursday, the case for NGV market engagement was made to attendees of the Ohio Gas Association’s Annual Technical Conference in Dublin, Ohio. Joining Stephe in the two-hour NGV session were Clean Fuels Ohio’s (CFO) Andrew Conley, IGS’ Dave Mrowzinski and Peabody Landscapes’ Jonathan Murray. Stephe provided an update on NGV market metrics, the factors that are driving growth and how LDCs are engaging the opportunity. Andrew provided details on Ohio NGV market activity, legislation and CFO programs. Dave spoke briefly about the recent NGV deployment and station development efforts of his client, the City of Columbus. Jonathan shared his experiences in transitioning his fleet to CNG and developing and operating their own station.
NGV news & insights